Ohio Police Written Exams
Ohio law enforcement agencies have been making changes to their hiring processes to meet diversity goals. The NCJOSI-2 has replaced the legacy OH-SELECT at many agencies.
Recently, the NTN-FrontLine has become the favored exam for many agencies across the state. FrontLine is focused on video-based Situational Judgment Questions.
The Ohio State Troopers administer a 40 item exam which is divided into six sections: Crash Diagrams, Ethical Dilemmas, Spelling and Vocabulary, Map Reading, Math and Scenario based Questions.
Columbus has a 2-part exam: Reading and Grammar followed by Situational Judgment. The NGLE Test Prep course covers these topics.
If you want a test prep course that will prepare you for ALL of these test formats get PoliceExam911 .
Applicants still need to double-check when they apply to confirm this. Click on the exam link below to learn how best to prepare.
Don’t overlook Federal law enforcement job opportunities.
The Ohio State Troopers use a modified version of NCJOSI-2 for their written police officer exam.