Firefighter Hiring Process and Entrance Tests
Firefighter Hiring Process
The hiring process for becoming a Firefighter varies from state to state but always includes a series of entrance tests. Following your application, you will be required to pass a Firefighter Written Exam described below.
Following the Firefighter Written Exam, you will need to pass other assessments including a firefighter physical abilities test (PAT), a psychological test, usually an interview, a background investigation and more.
Serious candidates must prepare for these exams. This page describes proven techniques to get you ready.
Firefighter Written Exam
Fire departments purchase their test materials from one of several test publishers. Some of these publishers also offer online testing services that perform the administrative tasks of registering the applicants, conducting the test and reporting the score to both candidate and agency.
Most firefighter entry tests require 2 - 3 hours to complete and will have two major sections.
Part one includes 100 to 150 questions with multiple-choice answers on cognitive skills described below.
Part two measures non-cognitive factors or bio-data such as your team orientation, communications, leadership, and other human relations skills.
Firefighter Test Topics
Firefighter entry tests do not require a candidate to have prior knowledge of fires or firefighting. The test topics you need to prepare for are here listed in order of most likely to appear on your firefighter test:
Reading Comprehension - You are presented with information in a written format and will answer multiple-choice questions about what you read.
Writing Abilities will test your high school-level grammar, spelling and punctuation knowledge.
Basic Math - The mathematical reasoning questions of the firefighter written exams test skills like arithmetic, geometry and speed calculations.
Mechanical Reasoning - tests the candidate's familiarity with basic concepts of force, leverage, pressure, flow and temperature.
Spatial Orientation - evaluates a candidate's ability to locate themselves within a building or environment accurately. This also evaluates map reading abilities to navigate streets and buildings.
Deductive Reasoning - tests one’s ability to apply general rules to specific problems and come up with logical answers that make sense.
Inductive Reasoning - involves the ability to combine separate pieces of information and form general conclusions. It reveals one’s ability to think of possible reasons for why things go together. Questions generally have you read a procedure then draw conclusions from what you read.
Observation and Recall of visual material has you study a photograph and then answer questions about details in the image that you recall.
Situational Judgment Test for Firefighters
Situational Judgement questions (also called BioData) focus on how you deal with day to day situations and human interactions. You will be presented with different work scenarios and responses. It will be your task to rate the response by Highly Ineffective, Somewhat Ineffective, Somewhat Effective, or Highly Effective. The test measures non-cognitive traits such as:
Leadership Critical Thinking
Emotional Stability
Team Orientation
Stress Tolerance
Service Orientation
What Firefighter Test Should You Prepare for?
Since agencies use different commercial exams, it will help to narrow down what exam you should study for. Follow these steps to locate the best Firefighter Test Prep course for you.
Step 1: Call the Hiring Fire Department
Call HR/recruiting and ask them for the name or publisher of the test? Is there a study guide?
Step 2: FireTEAM™ Test Prep
If your agency directs you to register via the National Testing Network (NTN) it means that the FireTeam™ Firefighter Test by Ergometrics will be used. Get this popular FireTeam™ Test Prep course for best results.
Step 3: Fire Selection Test
The Fire Selection Test (FST) published by IOS will be used you are told to register using one of the following sites:
Pearson Vue (Florida)
PST (Public Safety Testing)
PSI Testing Online (PSI)
Here is the proven Fire Selection Test Prep course you want.
Step 4: FCTC Firefighter Test
If none of the above apply and you are in California, the test is likely the FCTC Test by the Firefighter Candidate Testing Center. You can find what fire departments are signed up to use the FCTC Firefighter Exam here.
Get this FCTC Test Prep course for best results.
Step 5: FDNY Written Test
If you are in New York City, use the FDNY Test Prep course shown here.
Step 6: Firefighter Written Exam Prep
If you can’t figure it out, your best test prep course will be the Firefighter Written Exam Prep highlighted here. This outstanding test prep course covers all of the most common firefighter test topics found across the U.S.