How to Pass the LEAB Police Exam

NJ Police Departments use the LEAB

NJ Police Departments use the LEAB

The  Law Enforcement Aptitude Battery (LEAB) is used by many Police departments in the U.S., notably in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, parts of Pennsylvania and most of New Jersey. The exam is now administered by Talogy. Talogy acquired PSI recently.

The 3-hour exam is made up of three challenging sections: Written Abilities Test, Work Styles Questionnaire, and Life Experience Survey. The Written Abilities Test consists of multiple-choice questions while other two are behavioral assessments.


Questions on the LEAB-II Police Exam

You must prepare for the LEAB

You must prepare for the LEAB

Fort Lee, NJ Police Department

Fort Lee, NJ Police Department

Written Abilities Test

The LEAB Cognitive Abilities Test consists of 48 multiple choice questions on cognitive skills:

  1. Information Ordering

  2. Problem Sensitivity

  3. Reading Comprehension

  4. Reasoning - Deductive

  5. Reasoning - Inductive

  6. Written Expression

Work Styles Questionnaire

The Work Styles Questionnaire is designed to assess certain motivational, value-related and attitudinal characteristics. It contains 74 statements. Each statement is followed by a five-point agreement scale: (1) Strongly Agree; (2) Agree; (3) Not Sure; (4) Disagree; (5) Strongly Disagree. Applicants mark the number that best reflects your attitudes, actions, preferences and opinions. 

Life Experience Survey

The Life Experience Survey consists of 47 multiple-choice questions related to your past history and experience. Many exams refer to this as Bio Data.


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