Michigan Police OFFICER Written Exams
The Police Written Exam used in Michigan is commonly referred to as the MCOLES - for Michigan Commission on Law Enforcement Standards (MCOLES). MCOLES sets the minimum standards for police entry exams to cover Reading and Writing skills. MCOLES does not, however, define any specific entrance exam - each department defines their own process of screening and hiring new applicants.
Most Michigan police agencies outsource their entry testing to a testing service known as EMPCO. EMPCO uses the commercial police exam known as NCJOSI for their entry-level exam. NCJOSI includes additional test topics like Judgement and Problem Solving and Visualization.
Getting prepared can be confusing as the test you need to take may be referred to by any one of these titles: MCOLES, EMPCO or NCJOSI. For your convenience, Sgt. Godoy has merged the possible test topics for all Michigan police exams into one great Michigan Police Prep.
An exception is the Michigan State Police who now use the NTN FrontLine exam that emphasizes Situational Judgment questions.
Find your prep course by clicking on the link with your agency below.
Don’t overlook Federal law enforcement job opportunities.
The Michigan State Trooper written exam is the NTN FrontLine exam.