FREE Police Officer Practice Test

Free POST Practice Test

Since you came to this page looking for a Free Police Practiced Test, I don’t want to disappoint you. You will gain valuable insight into why Sgt. Godoy’s study materials are rated #1 by taking this Free Police Officer Selection Test Practice.

Free Police Officer Practice Tests

Police Practice Tests are not all the same.

Police Practice Tests are not all the same.

Having access lots of practice questions is surely the most important way to get prepared for your police written exams. Most law enforcement agencies provide a free study guide for applicants to use in preparing for their entry-level test. While it is critical to review these guides for each agency you plan to apply to, there are important shortcomings of free study guides that you need to consider.

Shortcomings of Free Police Practice Exams

Free study guides for your police written test won't give you the advantage you need to score higher than your competition.

Free study guides for your police written test won't give you the advantage you need to score higher than your competition.

TARGETED to single agency

Remember Sgt. Godoy's Rule #3 - "Don't Put All of your Eggs in one Basket." Depending upon a free study guide for one agency will not guarantee that you are prepared for a different law enforcement agency/location. You need to have access to study material that covers all U.S. police, sheriff and state trooper written tests.

A good police test prep course should be stimulating.

A good police test prep course should be stimulating.

Very Little Variety

You want to get access to as many practice questions as you can find for each class of question, such as Logical Reasoning, Reading Comprehension, etc. A free study guide will be very limited in the number of questions it shows you. Worse yet, they are boring and won't hold your interest.

A good police test prep course should provide in-depth answer explanations to the practice questions.

A good police test prep course should provide in-depth answer explanations to the practice questions.

Superficial Answer Explanations

Sure, the free study guide will show you what the correct answer is, but in order to really learn, you need in-depth explanation of why the correct answer is correct and why the wrong answers are incorrect. Look for a prep course that provide in-depth lectures on how to approach each topic most effectively.

Best Police Test Prep Course

The Best Online Police Test Prep Course is PoliceExam911

According to over 900 user reviews on ShopperApproved, Sgt. Godoy’s acclaimed PoliceExam911 Prep Course is the best law enforcement prep course on the market. It covers every popular police exam used in the U.S. The course includes insightful, online tutorials for each subject plus hundreds of practice questions that are presented in random combinations. You never get bored.

Answer explanations in the practice quizzes are in-depth and insightful. Strategies and tips for how to score high on each type question are presented in multi-media tutorials.

Remember, you will be competing with hundreds of applicants for the few positions available. You want your score on the Police Written Test to be the highest in your class. An investment in this type of preparation will give you the extra advantage you deserve.

The best online Police Exam Prep Course on the market is PoliceExam911 by Sgt. Godoy.