Public Safety Careers

Public Safety Jobs - Firefighters, EMS, Dispatchers and Corrections

How to Become a Firefighter

firefighter test prep

Best Firefighter Test Prep

Firefighters are essentials members of their communities. In addition to fighting fires, they also respond to medical emergencies and traffic incidents, aid in search and rescue, and provide public safety.

Firefighters posses essential traits including courage and dedication, integrity, commitment to excellence, and an ability to work with tools. Firefighters are also dedicated to maintaining good physical condition.

Learn about the firefighter hiring process and how to prepare for the firefighter entrance exam by following this link.

How to Become a 911 Operator or Dispatcher

911 Call Dispatcher test prep

Best 911 Operator Test Prep

911 professionals, often described as the “first-first responder,” are responsible for gathering essential information and relaying it to the right kind of help to the right location while potentially providing medical or other instructions until help arrives at the caller’s location.

In their goal of saving lives, 911 Dispatchers must be calm under pressure and able to take control of often-unpredictable situations.

Learn more about the hiring process and how to prepare for the 911 Dispatcher or Operator exams.

How to Become a Correctional Officer

Correctional Officer test prep

Best Corrections Officer Test Prep

Correctional officers oversee and manage individuals who are being detained. That detention might be for short periods of time, such as before a court hearing, or for the long-term, as would be the case with an inmate serving a prison sentence.

To become a Correctional Officer, applicants must pass a written exam known as the Correctional Officer Entrance Exam. This is in addition to other assessments, like the Physical Abilities Test, Background Investigation and Panel Interview.

Learn more about the Correctional Officer hiring process and how to prepare for the Correctional Officer exams.

Other Public Safety Jobs

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Best Police Test Prep

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Federal Law Enforcement Jobs