NYS Police Trooper Exam

NYS Police

NYS Trooper SUV

The New York State Police Trooper exam is one of the harder police written exams in the U.S. It was developed for the NYSP by the test publishing company, IOS. The State Police have also contracted with Pearson VUE to administer the exam. Applicants will be directed to one of 54 Pearson VUE testing centers in New York State to take the exam. On this page, you will learn what the new NYSP Exam consists of and how best to prepare for it.

This Trooper Entrance Exam is different from the NYS Civil Service Police Exam used by most law enforcement agencies in New York State. It is also different than the NYPD Exam and the Port Authority Police Officer Exam.


Questions on the New York State Police Trooper Exam

State Police Trooper

Study for the 2022 NYS Police Exam.

The New York State Police Trooper exam now has 150 questions that you will have 1 hour and 40 minutes to complete. The exam includes the following cognitive test topics.

  1. Reading Comprehension

  2. Vocabulary

  3. Writing (Incident Report Writing)

  4. Deductive Reasoning

  5. Information Ordering

  6. Inductive Reasoning

  7. Pattern Recognition (Figural Reasoning)

  8. Grammar (Clarity, Punctuation, Spelling)

  9. Visualization - Facial Recognition

  10. Spatial Orientation - Maps and Floorplans

  11. Flexibility of Closure - Identify details in noisy background)

  12. Observation and Recall of Visual Information (Photos)

Following the cognitive topics, you will take a Personality Assessment. You will have 20-minutes to answer approximately 60 questions about how you feel about certain things. These go fast, as your answers should be instinctive.


Free NY State Police Trooper Practice Test

Best NYS Police Test Prep by Sgt. Godoy

Here is a great, free practice test for the New York State Police Trooper Test. Click on the image to start.

How to Prepare for the New York State Police Exam