What is the IOS Police Exam?

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IO Solutions (IOS)

IOS is a leading provider of entry-level police exams for public safety agencies. Remember, in the U.S., there is NO NATIONAL STANDARD for police testing. The current IOS entry-level police exams are: NCJOSI2, NGLE and LST. Their legacy police exams that applicants may run into include: NCJOSI, CWH-SSLE and NBAT-LEO. If, during your research, you are told by an agency that they use the IOS exam, you must take care to identify which specific version is being referenced). Preparation is different for each of these IOS exams.


Current Entry-level Police Exams by IOS

San Francisco PD use Frontline

San Francisco PD use Frontline

IOS offers a portfolio of entry level law enforcement selection exams. Each test has been designed to solve specific hiring challenges faced by modern law enforcement agencies. Follow the links to learn about each of these test formats.

IOS also is the publisher of the CJBAT (Criminal Justice Abilities Test) used in Florida and derived from the NCJOSI.


Legacy Entry-level Police Exams Supported by IOS

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IOS continues to support their “first generation” entry-level police officer selection tests. Applicants will still run into these test formats. Each exam requires different test preparation. Follow the links to learn about each of these exams.