TSA Computer Based Test (CBT)
What Version Will You Take?

To join the TSA as a Transportation Security Officer (TSO) you must first pass the TSA Computer Based Test (CBT). During 2023, select airports began installing CT scanning equipment. The new machines allow the inspector to quickly rotate CT Scanner images of luggage in 3-dimensions. Therefore, a NEW SHORT version of the CBT was introduced - but only for these select airports! Learn how to determine which version of the CBT you need to prepare for and how to get the best TSA Test Prep course on the market.

Which TSA CBT Version will You Take?

The NEW SHORT TSA CBT is only 25-45 minutes long and concentrates on 2D to 3D interpretation skills. The LEGACY TSA CBT consisted of questions about basic English skills and X-Ray Object Interpretation. The test is 2.5 hours long. The legacy test will continue to be used until all equipment is modernized.

When you apply, you are directed to a third-party testing service named Pearson VUE. You will receive an email scheduling your test. An image of this email is shown here on this page.

Read it Carefully – if it says, “This assessment is NOT an English language proficiency assessment,” that means that you will be taking the NEW SHORT TSA CBT test format.

A second clue is where you are told, “…expect to spend an average of 25-45 minutes in the test center.” If so, you will be taking the NEW SHORT TSA CBT test format.

Learn how to pass the TSA CBT

What is the New Short-form TSA CBT?

The SHORT FORM TSA CBT only requires 25-45 minutes to complete and has three sections:

  • "Connect the dots" as fast as you can, according to numerical, alphabetical, and then finally alphanumeric order. This part is easy.

  • "Find the identical image:" You are given one image with six very similar images. You have to find the identical one as fast as you can. The more you do, the more points you will get. This is also easy.

  • Spatial Reasoning is very challenging. Also known as 2D-3D Folding, you are given a 2D net (a flat pattern) with areas marked with numbers and the corresponding 3D shape where the surfaces are marked with letters. You are asked to imagine folding the 2D net into the 3D shape so that you can figure out which numbers on the 2D net matches which letters on the 3D shape. The shapes are complex making this test very difficult for most.

Short-form TSA CBT involves visualization of 3D shapes.

What is the Legacy TSA CBT with X-rays?

The Legacy TSA CBT is 2.5 hours long and covers two major areas: Your English Proficiency skills and your X-ray Object Recognition abilities.
  • The TSA English Proficiency Test is the first part of the exam and will require approximately 2 hours to finish. The exam consists of multiple-choice questions on high school-level reading comprehension, grammar, vocabulary, and spelling.

  • The TSA X-ray Object Recognition test scares most candidates as none of us have ever been trained to interpret objects in X-rays. This portion goes by quickly - usually less than 20 minutes - since you are only given a few seconds to view an X-ray image and then answer questions about what objects are in the picture.

TSA CBT with X-Ray Recognition

The TSA Airport Assessment and Background Investigation

Both TSA CBT test formats will be followed by the Airport Assessment and a Background Investigation when you pass. The Airport Assessment is a face-to-face meeting to review your qualifications and for you to show off your customer-oriented personality. Good preparation is essential for this interview. Do not go into it without knowing what to expect.

Serious applicants should also learn how to polish their public image in preparation for the background investigation.

How Should You Prepare? Top-rated TSA Test Prep Course

Sgt. Godoy's 5-star TSA QuikPrep course cover BOTH forms of the TSA CBT and includes the following:

  • 2D to 3D Interpretation Tutorials
  • Accurate Practice Exercises for the 2D-3D Folding Questions
  • A complete TSA English Proficiency Refresher Course (Legacy CBT)
  • Hundreds of Practice Questions on English Skills (Legacy CBT)
  • Video-based tutorial: Mastering the TSA X-Ray Recognition (Legacy CBT)
  • Over 200 TSA X-Ray Images for Rapid Identification Practice (Legacy CBT)
  • Bonus: Mastering the TSA Airport Assessment
  • Bonus: Mastering the TSA Background Investigation
  • Instant, Mobile Friendly, Online Access
  • Unlimited Use for a One-time fee
  • Sgt. Godoy’s Personal Support
  • Guaranteed Satisfaction

America's Top-rated TSA Prep Course

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