911 Dispatcher Test Prep

How to Become a 911 Operator or Dispatcher


911 Dispatcher Test Prep

911 Dispatchers or 911 Call Center Operators are often described as the “First-first Responders.” 911 Dispatchers are responsible for gathering essential information from callers and quickly relaying it to the proper agency and location. During many emergency call, 911 Operators will also provide medical or other instructions until help arrives at the caller’s location.

In their goal of saving lives, 911 Dispatchers must be calm under pressure and able to take control of often-unpredictable situations.

911 Operator or Dispatcher Hiring Process


911 Dispatcher Test Prep

To become a 911 Operator, or 911 Dispatcher, involves an in-depth hiring process that can include the following:

  • 911 Dispatcher Skills Test

  • Background Investigation

  • Panel Interview

  • Full Medical Exam

  • Psychological Evaluation

Once offered the job, you will complete an extensive 911 Dispatcher/Operator training program.

What is the 911 Operator or Dispatcher Test?

The 911 Dispatcher Test may also be referred to as the 911 Operator Test or the National Dispatcher Selection Test (NDST). The 911 Dispatcher Test is a computer-based assessment that is given to potential applicants to make sure they have the qualities needed to be a 911 Dispatcher or Call Center Operator.

The following topics are usually covered on the 911 Operator or Dispatcher exam:

911 Dispatcher Data Entry Skills

Dispatcher Data Entry

911 Dispatcher Test Prep

  • Data Entry - The focus on these questions is to test your ability to make quick decisions, prioritize and multitask. This interactive, computer-based test presents information through both audio and written formats. You then respond by entering data into the correct tables. Good typing skills are a part of this testing.

  • Cross-Referencing - You will be required to enter identifying information from address books into a corresponding table.

  • Comparison - You will be given two tables which look very similar and be required to identify the differences.

911 Dispatcher Skills Testing

There will be various types of questions that will test how successful you will be as a dispatcher. The questions will focus on your following abilities:

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911 Dispatcher Test Prep

  • Decision making - As a 911 Dispatcher you are the first line of defense and you need to know which emergency service to dispatch. Be prepared to listen to potential situations and pick the proper course of action.

  • Prioritization - You will need to rank several incoming calls according to urgency.

  • Probability - It is often difficult to hear exactly what the emergency caller is saying. You will be given questions asking you to decipher unclear calls based on how probable you believe each answer choice is.

  • Map Reading - As a 911 Dispatcher you must know how to accurately read maps so you can send the correct emergency unit to the scene. In this question you will need to choose the best route, while obeying traffic laws, for the emergency vehicle to get to the scene the quickest.

 911 Dispatcher Memory and Comprehension Skills

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911 Dispatcher Test Prep

  • Summarization - You will be required to listen to an audio call simulation answer questions related to the call and summarize the data. Be prepared to input identifying information into proper data fields.

  • Reading Comprehension - You will also be presented with information in a written format and be expected to answer questions or choose the best summary of the information.

  • Memory Recall - You will be presented with visual and audio information including sets of numbers, phrases, and letters and be asked to recall the information. A huge part of being a 911 Dispatcher is being able to recall information presented to you. You will also be given scenarios where you will be required to keep track of all responding emergency units, including how many and the number of people at the emergency.

Most Common 911 Dispatcher Tests

States utilize different commercial 911 Dispatcher screening exams. Job applicants need to ask their hiring agency what test format is used. The most common are:

  • NYPD 911 Operator Test

  • POST Dispatcher Exam

Each of these are described below.

How to Prepare for the 911 Dispatcher Test

Once you have determined what Dispatcher Test your targeted agency uses, choose the corresponding Test Prep course below. Unless you have some experience at this position, the test will be completely new compared to any test you have taken before. You need practice to be ready. Here are the Top-rated Dispatcher Test Prep courses on the market. Start today!

1. NYPD 911 Operator Test Prep


NYPD 911 Operator Test Prep

The NYPD 911 Operator role is known by many names including the NYPD PCT (Police Communications Technician), NYPD emergency dispatcher, and public safety telecommunicator. You will be expected to perform 911 call-taking and radio dispatching. The first step to landing this job is passing the NYPD 911 Operator exam. The test is given at the New York City Computer-based Testing and Application Center. You must get at least a 70% to be considered for the job.

Serious applicants will want to prepare using this proven NYPD 911 Operator Test Prep course.

2. POST Dispatcher Test Prep (California)

PST dispatcher

POST 911 Dispatcher Test Prep

The POST Dispatcher Test measures abilities that are essential for the successful performance of dispatcher duties and necessary for candidates to possess before hiring. These abilities fall into 4 areas: verbal, reasoning, memory, and perceptual abilities.

The test, which is mainly used by agencies in California, consists of 11 short exams, ranging from 5 minutes to 15 minutes per test. The entire test battery takes between 2 to 3 hours to complete, including a short break.

Serious candidates must prepare. Here is a great POST Dispatcher Test Prep course to get you ready.