high score

Learn why every point counts more on the PELLETB using a T-score to rank test-takers.


Why Every Point Counts MORE when a Test uses the T-score


Students should note that every point counts more on a T-score scale compared to a regular pass/fail scoring system. This is because, as one score ranks higher in the list of all scores, it will cause other scores to go down in rank. The following example will explain.

Assume that 8 test-takers (competitors) take an exam or compete in a game where high score wins, as shown in this chart. Ernie and Linda both score 58 in Round 1. Scores that are tied, share the same rank. In other words, if 2 people have the same top score, they are both ranked as #1. Ernie and Linda both rank #5 after Round 1.

Using the same chart, imagine if, in Round 2, Ernie had scored 1-point better (Score 2 = 59) and Linda scored 1-point less (Score 2 = 57). Their new rankings are now shown under Round-2. Ernie is now in a three-way tie for third-place and Linda is in a three-way tie for sixth place. Ernie’s rank improved from 5th to 3rd even though his raw score only improved by one point! Likewise, Linda dropped in rank from 5th to 6th, when her raw score decreased by -1 point.

This means that it is critical for test-takers to answer ALL questions as well as you can.

What is a Passing T-score for the PELLETB?


Most police agencies in California want a T-score higher than 42 in order to pass the PELLETB.

The CHP wants a T-score of at least 48 to pass the PELLETB.

The best PELLETB Prep Course on the market as measured by ShopperApproved is PELLETB QuikPrep by Sgt. Godoy.