Sacramento Police written test

What is the Sacramento Police Written Test?

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The Sacramento Police Department uses two exams for their written test. Applicants can choose between California's PELLETB or the Frontline National test. PELLETB is an abbreviation for POST Entry Level Law Enforcement Test Battery. It places heavy emphasis on reading and writing skills. Frontline has more emphasis on situational judgment. Frontline is administered by National Testing Network or NTN.

How to Pass the Sacramento Police Written Test?

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California's PELLETB is one of the harder police exams in the U.S.  There is a heavy emphasis on good English language skills. One very unique type of testing included in the PELLETB is called the CLOZE Reading Test. Few applicants have ever taken such a test when they were in high school, so learning how to master the CLOZE test is very important.

Similarily, few applicants have ever taken a Situational Judgement Test (SJT) as found on the Frontline exam.

Applicants need to study with a good prep course.

How to Prepare for the Sacramento Police FrontLine Test?


How to Prepare for the Sacramento Police Test - PELLETB